Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog : Ethnography - Week 1 Results : Quidditch

Daniel Aninag
Xandrix Baluyot
Will Hausman
Jonathan Wiese


The next time we visited the Quidditch group was on Sunday, September 18.  On that day, the players had their second intramural scrimmage. The turnout was roughly about 50 people. The gender ratio was around 50/50 for guys and girls. For the scrimmage, the people would to have had their dues paid and submit which position they prefer; seeker, beater, chaser, or keeper. The leaders will temporarily assign people into teams and try to keep the balance of types of position in each team. Eventually, next Sunday, they will hold the official Sorting Ceremony, where players will be assorted to a respective House: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

It was a busy day with a high turnout. There were a few spectators present as well. I only talked to a few people because everyone was busy with the scrimmage. I talked to several of the viewers and a few of the players when they took a break. I found out that quite a bit of the players trying out were freshmen and sophomores. As expected, many of them are hardcore fans of the books. What surprised me was that some of them had been playing the sport since high school. Back when I was in high school, I would not have even imagined that to be possible. The influence of the Harry Potter books and its fan base is impressive. I will try to get more interviews when I go to their intercollegiate practice this coming Wednesday.

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