Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Introduction Blog Assignment #-1

Name: Daniel Aninag
Email: ani2175dan[at]
Standing: 4th Year Senior

As most students who generally take this class, I enrolled because it was one of the choices offered on my degree plan. I do not bring much experience to this class, but I am looking forward to gaining some as we work together through this semester.

In ten years, I see my self working on designing manufacturing hardware for computers and electronic devices. The next technological advancement in computer science would be projected and interact-able user interfaces, like seen in the movie Minority Report.

If I could travel back in time, I would probably would have liked to meet president JFK. It would be interesting to talk about how he felt and what thought during the Cuban Missile Crisis, with the world almost at nuclear war.

My favorite shoes would be any pair that I am currently wearing. I like them because they fit, and I can walk in them. Nothing too special.

If I could be fluent in any language, it would probably be Tagalog or Chinese. Tagalog would primarily be for communicating with my parents and other relatives in their native language. I would like to be fluent in Chinese because many important industries and business are involved with China.

Some facts about me. I was born and raised in Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. I lived there until 1998. That is when I moved to Florida for my elementary years all the way through 6th grade. I moved to Texas because that is where my father found a job, and I've lived here since.

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